* slowly sticks head over wall *


* blinks, bites lip *
* screams as tomatoes come flying her way *
* loses balance *
* lands in a pile of tomatoes *

Hi... everybody...

I haven't blogged in.. forever.. I know.
* shields face with hands *

I come here with grave news...
My other, wonderful, faithful computer has gone to Heaven. He has passed. He was a frie-!-
* ducks, as a pineapple comes her way *

ALRIGHT! I admit.. I have been leaving... And not coming back for quite some time.
It's just that nothing has been going on. Worthy enough to be mentioned in my blog, I mean.
Well, my birthday is coming up. The treinta! :D
My pop-tarts are gone.
And my Cheez Nips.
* puts head in hands and bawls *
* wipes eyes with hankie *
I'll survive, though.
Today is Friendship Day, here in cold, frigid Paraguay. I have recieved messages that say the exact same thing, from all kinds of different people.
Even my phone service sent me a friendship message...
Tomorrow, I'll be going to the mall. And being a girl with a bunch of my girlfriends. :) We'll be taking pictures, and trying things on, walkin' around ..(the Christmas tree GAH! * stops self *), just being total nincompoops.
That is a very fun word.
Try saying it fast.
I double dog donut dare you!
* stares at you until you say it *

It comes out soundin' somethin' like 'nincumpup'... say it 8 times really fast.

Comes out like 'ninkapoo'... Let's hope we never meet a Ninka who has to 'go'... Cause.. That's what'd come out... of it's... yeah.. xD

So, my last post was about a red button game. Addicting, I must say.
Well, my friend... * needs to make up a name for her *... EEYORE! :) She loves Eeyore...
Okay, Eeyore will be coming to my house tomorrow and spending the night. :)

* slaps the giggly person with a Twizzler *
LAUGHTER!... Is a sin.

* stares at cat who is and has been stuck in the closet *
It's her fault. She climbed up there; she can get down. :)

She's PREGNANT! She's a fatty! She's got a huge tummy. Regrettably, I think she may end up having the kittens in my room, since she spends so much time there.
Let's hope not.
* shudders *

Anna, I love you, baby, but if you give birth in my quarters I'll beat the tar out of you.
Okay.. No, I probably won't. I'll scream bloody murder, then go get Dad, explain what's going on, and then in the morning, I will pet the precious little beauties. :) And you, of course, Anna.
For those of you who may be completely clueless, 'ANNA' is my lovely Siamese cat. :)

She's really adorable... And soft. BOY, is she soft! She feels as though she were made of cotton.

I bought a coat today. Okay, I guess I'd better elaborate on that... DAD bought me a coat today. It's red! And ... sparkly-ish... You know, that.. really sheen material? And I look like a Michelin man who just fell in a vat of Ketchup. :) But it's cute. And cozy. And that's the whole point of a coat.
One can't live on hoodies and sweaters alone! :)
Unless you bundle up in a ton of them. But we all know that'd be UGLY as... a frog's nostril.
And those are ugly.

* gags *

And then a few days ago, we went out and bought a ton of pretty skirts and a few shirts and a snazzy jean jacket.
Okay, there's something I don't get. 'Snazzy'.. But you pronounce it, 'schnazzy'. Kinda like, 'schnauzer'.
* Schnazzy would be a nice nickname for a schnauzer *
* makes mental note, for if she ever gets a schnauzer *
Schnauzer dogs look like little Irish men. I always wanna put a pair of glasses on one... It just sounds cute.

Okay, so I was thinking of maybe making yet ANOTHER blog... With my fashion opinion. :)

Whaddaya think? I could be real creative with it, and state my opinion as hard as I wish, cause.. It's MY blog and I can do whatever I want with it! :P


6 murmurs:

I really enjoy-ed this one.
:D :D :D

July 30, 2009 4:46 PM  

I missed you, Verja!! heehee.. im throwing tomatoes! rotten ones! hahajust kidding :) methinks that this post was good.. cuz at least the good thing is that you leave for a while and then write a long one.. but still thats not a good excuse for leaving for so logn! :) Schnazzy the Schnauzer i dont like Schnauzer so i dont think i'll have a Schnazzy lol :)IM GIGGLING!! thats why my name's Gigglies! but... me no likes twizzlers eww! lol theyre just like biting on rubber that tastes weird... lol me no likes lol.. ha a fashion opinion blog me thinks it would be kewlio!

July 30, 2009 7:21 PM  

omgomgomgomg.. YOU HAVE A KITTY.
I have a kitty 222 <33
But shes only 2 months old.
She is my baby <3
I want her to have kittens but we have to get her neutured. :/

September 04, 2009 1:58 AM  

Superb post regarding "* slowly sticks head over wall *"

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