I am here today with my friend, because I am going to interview her!

J: What kind of animal would you be and why?
K: A cat. Because I like cats!

J: If you could, would you bite an elephant's foot?
K: No. That's gross.

J: What color is your toenail?
K: Original color.

J: If monkeys ruled the world, what would be the president's name?
K: Peter.

J: If you had to eat ONE food every day for every meal until you DIE, what would that food be?
K: Pizza, with ranch or maranara sauce!

J: What color are red fire-engines?
K: Red.

J: What color crayon would you like to be?
K: Purple or pink.

J: Have you ever tried to eat upside-down? Why or why not?
K: No. Because the blood would rush to my head.

J: Pretend I am a fruit. Which fruit would I be?
K: Apple.

J: If you were gonna be stranded on an airplane for eternity, what THREE things would you take?
K: Cell-phone, computer, and NDS. (Nintendo game thingy)

J: How many grains of sand are there in the world?
K: Thousands.

J: What is your favorite flavor of ice-cream and why? Would you eat it on your pancakes? Why or why not?
K: Mint Chocolate Chip. No, because it would taste gross. If it was vanilla, then maybe.

J: Have you ever fallen on your face, and screamed GOD BLESS AMERICA for no reason when you fell?
K: No.

4 murmurs:

so who'd you interview? KW? We should call her Kiwi. Don't ask why.
P.S. I hate this keyboard.

April 29, 2008 8:27 AM  

hmmmm nice interview... 0_o... haha :D

April 29, 2008 2:11 PM  

HMMM - How long did it take you to think this up? Well at least we know you're alive and kicking!

May 01, 2008 10:02 PM  

Meany! You never blog wah. you could at least say hey i'm alive once in a while! post some random pictures or rant about something or find a cool video on youtube...SOMETHING!!!!!! cmon I love your writing...please? please? please? please? please? please? or at least comment on my blog once in a while?

May 07, 2008 4:08 AM  

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