Facebook: FARM TOWN beta.

I love it.
Mom loves it.
All my friends who have it, love it.
It's great.

I just started. It's, like, this little world where you make a little farm, personalize your farmer and spend as long as you like raking, planting, harvesting and such.
Recently, my wonderful cousin gave me a pig. I loved him, I named him Petey. And he was mine.
But then he did the weirdest thing ever. He must have been trying to make me laugh so hard that I had to run to the bathroom because when I came back, he was standing up on his hind legs and dancing some kind of Southern jig!
I. cracked. up.
But he ran away...:(
So now, I'm running around to everyone's farms and tending them, weeding, watering and harvesting everyone's farm to earn myself some coins.
No one will ever replace my little Petey, but I might recieve a few animals as gifts soon. YIPEE!

1 murmurs:

Ooh, sounds cool! :D I got myself on there, but I haven't had time to dink around. Tomorrow I shall try to send you something. :) Sorry bout Petey. :(

May 05, 2009 12:17 AM  

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