Created By Me (Sorry, There are Only A Few)


1. You eat at least three pieces of chocolate a day, or are grumpy when you can't.
2. Have a chocolate screen-saver or background (KATIE!!).
3. You would rather fall in chocolate than fall in love.
4. You always have chocolate in your fridge.
5. Just thinking of milky, smooth chocolate makes you drool.
6. You dream about chocolate.
7. The first thing that comes to your mind when you picture a vending machine, is the Snicker bar collection inside it.
8. You are on a diet, and you google 'pictures of chocolate' just to relieve your fat-filled, sugary-sweet craving.
9. You have the super power of hearing the voice of chocolate.
10. You can recite all of the world-class chocolate brands in your sleep.


1. You won't speak to anyone until you at least smell coffee.
2. You start planning your diet, tell yourself no coffee, get mad, and write coffee down again. You'll just use low-fat milk or NO milk at all. And Splenda.
3. You are angry when you see Starbuck's sign changing from 'open' to 'sorry, we're closed'.
4. You go to someone's house for a party, they tell you that they have soft-drinks only, and you still say coffee without knowing it. Then, you realize what they said, and say, well, coffee IS soft!
5. Your favorite thing to do when you are bored is drink coffee.
6. You get millions of coffee-mugs for holiday presents.
7. Someone is out of coffee, and they come to you, because you are NEVER out.
8. You don't put the sugar, cream or machine away, and you leave it out in the morning. You know you'll be back for more in the next five minutes, so what's the point??


1. You type your Blogger username or password into the microwave accidentally.
2. You write your posts in your head when you can't get to the computer.
3. You think of 'sitemeter' as your friend.
4. You have blogger dashboard as a desktop.
5. You know what HTOITA and ROTFL and TYVM mean, and you use them frequently in comments.
6. You'd rather comment on someone's blog than talk to them personally.
7. The only way for other people to get to you (instead of email) is to comment on your blog.
8. You can memorize a post better than someone's full name.
9. You have calluses on your typing fingers.
10. You are reading this, nodding, and getting ready to comment.

Thanks for Reading!

Love To All!

God Bless You!


3 murmurs:


I saw myself in ,any of these descriptions!!!

You are such a literary WHIZ!!!
Most adults cannot think with such spontaneity !! You are sooo descriptive regarding each attribute! I am LOL at some of them!!

February 09, 2008 9:01 PM  

This Is Jayde,

Wow. Thanks so much, Pat!

The inspiration? Because I myself have accidentally typed my Blogger password into the microwave.

I eat at LEAST five pieces of chocolate a day.

Coffee for me?? Not so much. More Jewel and my Mom.

Love You!


February 10, 2008 5:10 AM  

Great funnies here! I am a blogaholic but must admit, I don't know what HTOITA or that last one with a Y & V means. Could you please enlighten me?

February 15, 2008 1:29 AM  

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