I hope that you will all take my word for it and not try this and have to learn it yourself.
Feel free to laugh, as I already have.
Things I Have Been Told To Never Do...AFTER I've Done Them... (And the date I learned them. I went to my diary and checked the dates. I knew I could trust it, because I always write when I'm scared, upset, feel awful. Some are too old, though. :)
1. Don't flush a toothbrush down a toilet. It clogs it up. 6/14/08
2. Don't stab a refrigerator to death with a knife. 3/11/09
3. Carry a $200 DVD player in the hallway and not watch where you're going. Destiny says you will trip on the thin rug. 3/11/09
4. Let people see you cry. 1/5/08
5. Tighten your earrings so much because you're afraid they'll fall out. So tight that they will go inside your ear and have to be removed with Dad's leather-man. (Ski Trip of...97?)
PLEASE learn from me.
Any more, you can be sure that I will update this post.
meet the relatives: rant
Verja, Life is one big learning curve, mistakes have to be made to learn these things. My biggest mistake is that I didn't listen to people who had already tried these things, lol...... you have a very small list, believe me ;)
Gecko said...
March 12, 2009 12:47 PM
Wowza! The earring one is awful. OUCH. I'll remember that.
netsirK said...
March 12, 2009 10:16 PM
Thanks for the advice. We'll that's a bummer! Now I have no excuse to flush my brother's toothbrush down the Toilet! LOL.
JONATHAN said...
March 13, 2009 12:04 PM