Well, I had a feeling that Chavez was going to cheat as he did in last few elections and any voting that includes him. He has a bad habit of cheating. But, God made a miracle happen. He gave Venezuela their own voice. He gave the country strength to to say what they wanted to, they could vote for what they wanted. I went to bed last night feeling that he was going to win again (surprise, surprise!), but woke up today with a new light. This just proves that God certainly CAN do anything. Chavez accepted the defeat, and congratulated the opposition. Maybe he didn't do it whole-heartedly, but nevertheless, he said it. It gives me great joy to know that Venezuela is realizing Chavez's plan to, well, rule the world. Just like every dictator. Hitler, Castro... RULE THE WORLD is their greatest desire. Chavez is no different.
I find it stupid that a lady said, "It is hard to accept the fact of the opposition winning, but Chavez is still here for us. He won't abandon us."
Think over the fact that Chavez left the computers alone. That he played the game fair. (For once.)
All last night we were looking at Daniel's blog. He kept it updated nicely. Every time something happened, he would jot it down on his blog. So that we could see what was happening.
Baduel came out and announced that they were going to make an announcement that the government would not like.
And I can tell you right now, it just killed Chavez. He is realizing that Venezuelans have their own mind, and he can't do anything about what they think. Nada. Zilch.
They turned against him now, they can turn against him again. IF, Chavez will play fair, and let 'his people' decide.
Praise God for the strength he gave the Venezuelan citizens. They could lose their jobs, but, they are going to vote against him, or die trying!
I'm proud of them!
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Anonymous said...
December 05, 2007 9:45 AM
cool, yeah I heard about that.
I hope you had a good trip and im sorry i didnt spend more time with you guys.. :D love ya...
Rina said...
December 05, 2007 12:34 PM