How Not To Clean Your Room

Here are some tips on making your room the messiest it can be!
And I would know, I am a professional at this.
(This is just a joke. :)

1. Forget about buying a clothes hamper. This will only give the impression that you TRIED to be somewhat neat. Trash cans are GREAT to be tipped over, as you can see later.
2. Make sure that your bed is NOT made. Throw the comforter on with your eyes closed and toss pillows on with your back turned to the bed. Don't touch it after that. Let it be.
3. If you have a bookshelf, make sure that they are stacked! In a messy pile. And, be sure to stick something like a candy-wrapper in there.
4. Your desk should be covered with pens, homework, computer games and notebooks. Don't bother piling them this time. Just leave it to be settling there.
5. Make an effort to knock your trash can over. This gives off the 'I don't care' impression.

2 murmurs:

I don't have to be told how not to clean my room. xD

Although the throwing-your-pillows-on-with-your-back-turned part sounds fun.

July 26, 2008 4:06 AM  

ok now I will go have nightmares all night! You know how I am about messiness!

August 01, 2008 11:19 PM  

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