This post is a bit rambling, because I had no idea what to post about, but, obviously, out of the human nature, you are going to read on anyway, so enjoy.
I woke up and did some stretching to wake myself up a little bit. I plan to do it every morning, as it is relaxing and very rewarding and helps me to concentrate better on my school and I get it done faster, which I LOVE.
I got a fair night's sleep. I finished school about 3 hours early. And now I can blog. I scored everything in my school, so I know for a fact that I am indeed done. It's a wonderful quiet day. Unless, you count the kids screaming at the top of their lungs while playing tag, jumping off the playground house roofs, sitting sadly on the swings and yelling, "SOMEBODY COME PUSH ME!!!" or just plain, being kids. I am sometimes in that group, but other days I just like to relax inside. It's nice.
I got a very cute clip-watch. It is from a preteen store, called Claire's. It is shiny and black, with a picture of an adorable sharpay dog on it. It is in the shape of a cell-phone and flips open just like the brand new black-berry with a universal remote, internet, comes with it's own private jet, bla bla bla. Yes, I am exaggerating, but, you know what I mean. Anyway, my little watch clips on to a belt-loop, a purse, it is basically a key-chain sort of thing. And it tells you what time it is, or if you press a tiny button on the side it tells you what date it is. How nice! I love it. I also got some cute pink ear-buds. They are very comfortable, and I like them.
The wedding is coming up. I am a junior bridesmaid, and I am trying to find dresses. I like A-lines. There is one that everybody else likes, that I find a bit plain, but, you know, you can always add a ribbon to the waist to spruce it up a little. The color theme of N and J's wedding is Clover green and a nice earthy brown. I like those colors. Very pretty.
Church last night was quite nice. Scroll down for the best idea I have ever had! I am serious, better than Albert Einstein, I tell you! I love it! YAY ME! I am so smart! I haven't ever thought this up! I am so proud of myself! YAY ME!
Okay, scroll down SLOWLY or you will mess it up. Slowly and smooth. Don't cheat.
Good! Keep Going...
Keep It Up!...
Be Patient....
That's it..... Nice and Easy....
Keep Going, You Can Do It!....
Good Job! Go On....
I Am SO Proud of You! Keep scrolling...
Keep On!!!
I Know This Is Getting A Little Bit Annoying, But It's GREAT, So Keep Going!
Man! You Are Patient!!....
Wow....I'm Impressed. Most People Would Quit By Now....
You Are Doing Great!!
Just Keep Scrolling, Just Keep Scrolling....
There we go! Almost There!! COME ON YOU CAN DO IT!!
KEEP ON!!!!!!!!
Okay! Congratulations for wasting about 5 minutes of your time in doing something positively useless. You could be commenting, but instead you scrolled down to something of absolutely no importance. Congratulations. For doing something so stupid... Keep this a secret! DON'T TELL ANYONE!! Or, I will get you again! You just got played like a violin! I tricked you sooooo bad..... Admit it....You hate me now! And you are very frustrated, aren't you? I am a genius!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Anyways, I am glad you waited.......
You try it on your blog sometime. It's great..... Just don't tell anyone about mine. They need to see if they have the patience and are crazy enough to trust me... The Mistress of All Pranks. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
meet the relatives: random
ur mean.
jk. lol.
miss you!
CrimeSceneFairy said...
January 25, 2008 10:54 AM
I've been pranked! but hye, its my sweet niece's blog and I just had to read each and every word! Who cares if she wasted my precious time!
Love you girl!
Unknown said...
January 25, 2008 2:12 PM