A Peek Into My School

You will now see what I learned today in each of my subjects, except math, because I didn't do it today. I'll write small bits out of the text, so you can get a gist! Anyways, here we go!

Social Studies : The Boston Massacre

On March 5, 1770, in Boston, Massachusetts,
a tragic even occurred. A young boy offended
one of the British army officers quartered in
Boston by calling out, "There are no gentlemen among the officers!"
A nearby soldier ca
me and knocked the boy down with his musket.
The boy began shouting that he had been s
truck by the soldier.
Angry colonists gathered
and started a riot by throwing snowballs and
ces of ice at the soldiers.

I, personally, think the boy's remark is hilarious! And the colonists started throwing snowballs! :) Maybe that's where snowball fights go started! (?) Moving on.

Science: Ocean Layers

Light penetrates through approximately the first 330 feet of sea water.
Water plants that make their food by photosynthesis live here in abundance.
The sunlit layer receives most of the sun's heat; water temperatures average
from about 82* F at the equator to 2* F at the poles. The sunlit region also
houses corals, clams, starfish, and multitudes of food fish that feed on plants.
Most of the oxygen in the sea is found withing 600 feet of the ocean's surface.
To breathe, fish and other forms of sea life filter this oxygen from the water
with their gills.

Right. Because I have always wanted to know how fish breathe.. ?..Yeah... Thanks. It does come in handy when I have to fill spaces out, though.

English : Can't Think of A Title

Every verb has four principle parts, which we must learn. They are called the
present, present participle, past and past participle.

We will learn that the principal parts are used to form the six verb tenses and
to show progressive time.

The present participle of a verb is the only verb that ends in ing. It is always used with a state-of-being helping verb.

Almost none of this makes much sense to me, but I do pretty well in check-ups, so
I guess it's helpful.

Bible : The Method of The First Advent

Hundreds of years before the actual advent of Christ, the Old Testament prophets told that
Christ was to be born of a virgin from the family of David. This unique way in which the Savior
of the world arrived upon the earth will now be examined. The Bible contains many verses that
foretold the birth of Jesus. God judged Adam and Eve because of their willful disobedience to God's law, and He cursed the serpent, Satan. He cursed the devil (Genesis 3:15). God then gave a specific word of how this event would occur by telling Satan that his defeat would come through the seed of the woman. The devil would manage to bruise the heel of Jesus by His crucifixion.

There is your VIP tour to my schoolbooks (Ooh! Aren't you special.) The secrets to my unmistakably perfect grammar (LOL, JK), how I know the secret to how fish breathe, how snowball fights started, and my Biblical studies of the First Advent. Pretty cool, eh?
Hope you're ready for the pop quiz, LOL! ; )
Well, I have had more than enough school today, so, I am going to relax and enjoy my no-school freedom while I can, because I start again tomorrow. Yea.


2 murmurs:

oh jayde i miss u so much already!!! I made my puppy a blog - will get the link to u soon. Could u help me find a cute template? He's a dalmation. I tried on pyzam but they didn't work. MISS U!!!!!!!

January 15, 2008 8:22 PM  

Nice post. I like reading things about your life.

January 17, 2008 10:11 PM  

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