
That is all I can say. I wish I could say more, but...I just can't.
Something horrible has happened. Go here for the full story: CLICK.
Things happen in life so fast. Nobody knew of it. She has 4 kids, her husband is dead from a Motorcyle Accident.. Life is going to be terribly rough on their entire family.
I can just imagine if it was MY father. It's horrible.
God has reason. We just don't know what it is yet. And, he was saved. Now he is with God, who wanted him to come home. And whatever God wants, God gets.
It's normal for sadness to come, but, he's with God. He's happy. And no more pain will come to him. Please pray that God will give them all the strength, guidance and comfort they need so much.
I can't believe it..
PLEASE pray.

God Bless them.
They are suffering so much.
Tomorrow, let's all express love to everyone. As you can see, things happen so fast. No one can stop them.
So, just show everyone just how much you care.


3 murmurs:

Thanks Verja for sharing the request. My heart is sad and very heavy right now. When your Tio came home from work tonight, I just hugged him and held on. Then I started to cry! I couldn't let go. Finally I was able to tell him the horrible news about Scott. Keep praying. Did you see the photo of 3 of her kids on my blog?

October 16, 2008 11:11 PM  

:-( I sawed that. Sadness.

October 17, 2008 1:59 AM  

All of this reminds me of the many people in my life that have passed.
Ironically, I'm listening to Audio Adrenaline's "Goodbye." Sadness all around! :(

Like Sara.
And Jon Rose... (if you want details, email me)
And one of my dad's coworkers has gone through that exact same tragedy... her husband and son were going somewhere on a motorbike, accident happens, both are dead.

So yeah, this is BIG. And SAD. :(

Somebody's saying a prayer tonight...

October 17, 2008 5:53 AM  

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