Carlos: Part Dos

Herald kept running. He ran and ran and ran some more. When he was sure the crab had forgotten about him, he stopped and took a breath and sat himself under a shady palm tree.
"That was close!" He said. And closed his eyes.
"You think!?" Carlos shouted. And scuttled around the corner at Herald. "GET BACK HERE!" HE shouted.
Herald took of running again, and Carlos chased him again. Soon, Carlos cornered him between the big rocks.
"I demand to know what your plan was at scaring the life out of me, you little --thing!"
Herald sighed. "My name is Herald."
"Ok. And why did you pop in and out like some sort of--of--gopher?!?"
"I was only trying to take a bath! But YOU cut in front of me, and I was there first!"
"Well, it was my turn, you impotent creep!"
"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Herald shouted.
"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" They screamed in unison, as they raced for the tide-pool!
When they got there, they found a very frightened snail, with his towel wrapped around him and his eyes wide.
"Goodness!" The snail exclaimed. "Some people are so eager to take a bath!" And he slipped off.
Herald pushed, and Carlos pushed back! They fought and fought! They pushed and slapped.
Finally, Herald knocked Carlos over the head. "GET OUTTA MY WAY! THIS IS MY BATHPLACE!"
"NO IT AIN'T!" Carlos retorted. And skittered over and knocked Herald out of place.
Herald glared at Carlos. "This has to stop." He declared.
Carlos nodded. "I would highly recommend that you let me go my way, and I shall return you the favor of letting you go yours."
Herald nodded. "But I'm bathing first."
Carlos scoffed. "I don't think you understood me. I said let me go MY way, and you go YOURS. As in, GET OUT OF MY FACE!" He slipped into a shout.
Herald humphed. "Well. There is NO way I am going to bathe WITH you, and that is the only other solution to this problem."
Carlos snuffed. "Agreed. Go bathe underneath the humans, GO!"
"What?!?! Why ME?"
"Because you're pathetic. This is the part where you nod your head, and GO." Carlos whispered.
Herald shook his shell. "I'll never. You go! I hear there's hot water! Or, just wait like the patient thing you are."
Carlos shook his head this time. "Never."
Then, something came and grabbed Herald. He slid into his shell, and hid there. A human had picked him up.
"Look, Daddy! It's an ugly snail! Eww!!!!" A little girl giggled. Herald wanted to puke.
The little girl shook Herald to no end.
"Look! Isn't he cool? Can we take him home, Daddy?" She asked.
"No, I don't THINK so!!" Herald shouted.
"Um." The father thought a bit. "I guess so. Maybe we can take him home! Would you like that, honey?"
Herald began to cry. The father took him, and placed him in a plastic jar. While in the jar, Herald screamed. They soon carried him home.
Carlos stared at Herald, pitifully stuck in that jar. He dropped his towel and ran after the man and the little girl. Like a spy. O.o

1 murmurs:

:-O Poor Herald!!!!! :(

September 09, 2008 6:59 AM  

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