Good Almost-Lunch-Time!

The morning started with Mom coming into my bedroom wanting her computer, and saying,
"Oh forget it! No one could ever find anything in this mess!"
I opened my eyes, and rolled over and pointed to the other side of my bed where Garzo (what I call Mom's computer)was sleeping.
She picked it up. I rolled over, and slipped back under my covers. It was so warm! I didn't want to wake up! NO! I argued with myself for about 5 minutes. It went somewhat like this:
I have to get up and start the day.
No you don't. Go back to sleep.
Yes! I need to greet the day! And the dishes need to be washed! And I'm hungry!
It's so warm...You want to stay here and you know it...Don't fight it, Verja!
No. I don't.
Yeah...Ya do. Just roll over and imagine a waterfall...Ah...You don't have to wake up yet!
No. Go back to sleep. The work can wait til this afternoon. You know you're tired.
No...I'm not.
You are. And you know it deep down. Go back to sleep.
Well, maybe...*snuggles down under blankets* NO! I'M GETTING UP! AND YOU CANNOT STOP ME!!

The positive morning person me won. I slopped out of bed, dragging the blankets with me. My mind was fixed on one word, and one word only: BREAKFAST.
I was craving cereal, but there WAS no cereal. So, I peeped into the fridge. There were two eggs. A song popped into my mind, inspiring me to make a Spanish omelette.

There are three eggs in a Spanish omelette!

Three eggs, three eggs in a Spanish omelette!
In a Spanish omelette there are three eggs!
So, I shall make a Spanish omelette!

And so, I made one omelette, singing that song all the while. As I flipped it, as I sprinkled the cheese, everything. And then, I was even more hungry than I thought, so I made another. I made them both where they had just a bit of toastiness to them...They were delicious!
Then I got started on my laundry. I separated all the piles. And then when I went to find the softener, and there was none. I thought perhaps I couldn't find it because I had just woken up and set to work, which can be dangerous, so I asked Dad where it was.
He couldn't find any either. So I just bleached my white clothes. And hung Mom's bedsheets and pillow cases.
Then, while the whites were --bleaching...I went back into my room and concentrated on my earrings. And jewelry. I unpacked my lovely wooden jewelry chest, and set to work pairing earrings and bracelets. Mom came in, and couldn't believe I had just got to work with my jewelry and left my bed a mess, and boxes on the floor.
So, I made my bed and cleared off my floor. She said that just making your bed and clearing off your floor makes it look 99% better! Like you did a LOT!
And now her clothes are waiting on her bed. All dry.



Nobody went and participated. The answer is 1. I HATE Solitaire. THAT was the fib.

And for next week's TTF:

1. I have an idog named DJ.

2. I am far-sighted.

3. My favorite verse is Joshua 24:15.


PARTICIPATE THIS TIME, PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! I was like really sad... Nobody won...

3 murmurs:

number 3! am i right THIS time? huh huh?

September 23, 2008 9:38 AM  

You're near sighted. Winner=Scholar.

September 23, 2008 10:50 AM  

I say Nr. 1.

Check out my blog. I gave you an award!

September 23, 2008 11:15 AM  

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