Meme From Bluey!


1. When you dance, you look like ________________.
A drunken monkey. And I don't dance, but that is what I'd look like if I did.

2. What is your greatest phobia?
Pathological organizational people.

3. What celebrity irritates you the most?
The selfish kind. The kinds that make fun of God and say they love Him and want Him to lead the way, and then they go out and do things God never approves of.

4. If you owned an enormous yacht, what would you name it?
The SS Verja XD!

5. If you could ask your nation's president/prime minister ONE question, what would it be??
"What do you not like about Obama?" XD...I would.

6. What have you tried in your life that you're simply not good at?
A front flip. It's just-sad.

7. How many minutes does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Change and brush my teeth and hair. About 7 minutes.

8. What hobby have you always wanted to pick up?
To be able to beat those little games you find on Cracker Barrel tables with the little pegs.

9. If you were any animal, what would it be?

10. What event or technological breakthrough do you think will revolutionize the future?
The Second Coming. I agree.

11. What do you need more of right now?
Things to do to pass the time until my birthday!!!!

12. If you were a nationality other than your own, what would you choose, and why?
Latin. I speak it already! :D

13. What beverage do you find nauseating?
Pig's blood. I read that they drink it in Greece or some where. More than water...Isn't that gross? I wanna gag...ew...

14. If you were on a desert island, what two books would you want with you?
My Map. (The Bible) And, my favorite, Peanut Butter Friends in a Chop Suey World.

15. What is the first thing you notice when you meet someone?
Their faces.

16. What is the most common compliment you recieve?
"Your skin is perfect! Do you EVER get pimples?"
And, no, I have only gotten about three in my life so far. Nananananana! Just kidding.

17. What commercial product would you refuse to endorse?
Anything God doesn't agree with.

18. What is your favorite pet name?
Goober, right now. I know, it's weird. But, hey, what can I do?

19. What is the best purchase you ever made?
My Heely shoes! I love them to DEATH.

20. What word best describes your internet knowledge?

21. What is the biggest indication that someone is a nerd?
They snort when they laugh or they win chess competitions. I don't really know.

22. What latest trend simply baffles you?
Sending people texts asking for money to buy another card...Whaaa--?

23. If you were an evil dictator, where would you rule?
I'd steal Venezuela from Chavez, have him forcibly conscripted into jail. And then give it back to the VENEZUELANS, and ship Chavez on a ship to be dropped off the edge of the world. He can rule Mars. Or something.

24. What would you like your nickname to be?
Verja. :D

25. What song do you keep hearing OVER and OVER again??
Just As I Am.

26. What are you most proud of right now?
What my friend did. I can't tell you though, she wants it kept secret. Thankies!

27. What is the worst name you know?
Um...Hmm..I think the ugliest NAME I have ever heard is Matilda. It just--sounds evil, ya know?

28. What do you think is the most repulsive form of music?
Rap. Hard Rock. They both give me a headache and I can't understand a word, so I steer-clear of them.

1 murmurs:

I like the little overhead thing on the comment page! lol. You stole my line, tho. XD

I didn't mean to abandon you! I blame it entirely on dinner.

August 29, 2008 3:13 PM  

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